Coolen wins Challenge
Hein Coolen, who is the Fair Medicine project leader on small molecules, has won the Best Clinical Trial Protocol Challenge 2018 in the context of the blended course Clinical Development of Paul Janssen Futurelab in Leiden
read more >>FM works on Fair Patent
Fair Medicine wants Fair Patent to make the current patent system more transparent and open it up for smaller parties.
read more >>Questions on sustainability of bio tech
Analyst of Goldman Sachs are asking serious questions on the sustainability of the bio tech model.
read more >>India helps the poor with expensive drug
In India a mix of activists, government, doctors and local medicine products succeeded in lowering the price of sofosbuvir, a costly remedy for hepatitis C.
read more >>Dutch Minister gets the spotlight
The new Minister of Health of the Netherlands, Bruno Bruins, came in guns blazing when he put the pharmaceutical industry on notice and announced on 22 November to “change the rules of the game” to tackle, what he called “absurd” medicines pricing
read more >>Dutch House of Representatives listens to Fair Medicine
At the invitation of the Dutch House of Representatives Committee for Public Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS), Fair Medicine spoke at a round table discussion about the pharmaceutical industry on 2 October.
read more >>State policy increases drug prices
Three Dutch researchers found a correlation between the rise in drug prices and government policies in order to control costs. The study was published this month in the scientific journal Plos One
read more >>D.N.D.I. offers alternative patents
In the States parties are worried that new medication, which is been partly developed by public research, is offered for steep prices by farmaceutical industrie. But there is hope.
read more >>The New War on Drugs
Magazine Wired writes under the header of "The New War on (Overpriced) Drugs on the debate on the good en bad sides of the way medicines are developed and produced in the USA.
read more >>Dutch Ministry supports Fair Medicine
Fair Medicine, a foundation that aims to develop new pharmaceuticals in a transparent manner, has received 2.8 million Euros in support from the Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sport.
read more >>First step to independent disease registry
The Academic Medical Centre (AMC) in Amsterdam and foundation Fair Medicine recently completed the eHealth pilot project EuroGo. This project aims to create a reliable and complete data registry for Gaucher patients in Europe.
read more >>A quest against Big Pharma
The British newspaper the Guardian follows Jamie Love, a man who fights Big Pharma and wants affordable drugs for everyone.
read more >>‘Limit the ‘Orphan Drug’ Incentives’
The cost of drug prescriptions has become an issue in the presidential-primary season, most notably with Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders competing to see who can do the most to protect the wallets of potential voters, according to the Wall Street Journal.
read more >>NYT: We are paying to much for drugs
WE’RE paying too much for prescription drugs. The price for cancer drugs like Yervoy, Opdivo and Keytruda routinely exceeds $120,000 a year. Some other specialty drugs have even higher prices, according to the New York Times.
read more >>Drug prices increase more than development costs
The cost to develop a new drug is increasing to the tune of 8.5 percent a year, but the prices of those new drugs are increasing much faster, according to a comparison of two recent studies.